

Belli Snow Sleds and Shovels

Located in the Rhône Alpes Auvergne region, in the department of Ain, within the Plastics Valley’s heart since our creation in 1957, as family owned business, we develop, manufacture and market a full range of products for the garden environment, houseware and leisure areas

We have production and a logistics sites:

PRODUCTION SITE : equipped with latest generation tools and powerful equipment, it allows to ensure a qualitative and quantitative manufacturing. 100% of BELLI’s products are made in France.

LOGISTIC SITE : hosts a permanent large volume storage of all poducts that esures responsivness and flexibility, enabling us to meet our customers’ requirements.

Our ranges of products are constantly evolving in order to adapt them to changing markets and allow us to meet our customers’ demand. We are committed to an eco-friendly approach

We have an integrated sales team spread throughout France that ensures proximity to our customers and remains attentive to their expectations.

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